Fivemanage SDK for FiveM
Working with Logs

Working with Logs

This section provides examples of how to use the LogMessage export on the server. It also includes explanations of the various settings within config.json, detailing how each can be configured to customize logging functionality.

Examples are provided in both Lua and JavaScript. TypeScript developers can refer to the type annotations provided in the function definitions for guidance on the expected argument and return types.

Config Settings:

  • "level": Sets the minimum log level to capture. "info" by default, meaning only logs of "info" level and above are recorded. This value must be one of the options defined in the "levels" array.

  • "levels": Defines the hierarchy of log levels from most to least critical. Only levels included in this array can be used during runtime.

  • "console": Enables or disables logging to the server console. Set to true to activate console logging.

  • "enableCloudLogging": Determines whether logs should be sent to the Fivemanage cloud. Set to false to keep logs local or true to enable cloud logging.

  • "appendPlayerIdentifiers": When true, player identifiers are automatically appended to the log's metadata if metadata.playerSource and/or metadata.targetSource are specified.

  • "excludedPlayerIdentifiers": A list of identifier types that will be excluded from appended identifier metadata.

Server Exports

Function Definition:

LogMessage(level: string, message: string, metadata?: { playerSource?: string | number, targetSource?: string | number, [key: string]: unknown }): void

Lua Example:

exports.fmsdk:LogMessage("info", "Player connected", {
    playerSource = source,
    customData = "Additional info"
-- Without metadata
exports.fmsdk:LogMessage("error", "An error occurred")

JavaScript Example:

exports.fmsdk.LogMessage("info", "Player connected", {
  customData: "Additional info",
// Without metadata
exports.fmsdk.LogMessage("error", "An error occurred");