Getting Started
Saved Searches

Saved searches

Sometimes searching for the same thing over and over agiain is annoying. This is why we have created a saved searches features called Starred queries. You can simply "favorite" any search and select it later.

This is perfect for saving searches for inventory resources or save something for a case your working on.


To save a query, you first need a have an active search. Once you do, you can lick on the Star icon the right inside the search bar and give it a name.

    1. Click on the Star icon a
    1. Give your search a name and save.

Find saved searches

To see your saved searches and selecting them, click on the far-right Star button, outside of the search bar.

Here you can search for your searches, and delete those you no longer use. In order to select a query, simply click on one of the list items and the search filter will populate the search bar for you.