Getting Started

Gettings started


Make sure you have created a Logs token in the dashboard.

Sending logs

level - Any level you want. We recommend using info, warn, error or debug, but you can use any string you want. message - any string metadata - Can be a table or object with any properties you want.

const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_TOKEN';
const url = '';, {
    level: "info",
    message: "Hello, this is my amazing log",
    metadata: {
        action: "Someone did something <action>"
        headers: {
            Authorization: apiKey,
}).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {

Using the Dashboard


The logs dashboard still has some missing features like more fine-grained time filtering. We are working on adding these features.

Using the logs dashboard is very simple. You can access it at and login with your account, and then click on the Logs table.

Any member you add will have access to the logs dashboard.


You can search for logs by clicking on the plus icon in the search bar. You can search by message, resource and any metadata property you want. These will show up in the dropdown when you click on the filter button. Metadata properties are based on the properties you send in the logs.


You can filter logs by level and date range. The levels are based on the levels you send in the logs.

Date range

Viewing single log

Clicking on a log will show you the full log details.


You can also search for the metadata, and nested values. This examples searches for the value2 value in the array property within the nestedExample object (see image above)